
How To Get Into The Fbi Academy

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Working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a prestigious and noble career path. However, meeting the FBI's eligibility requirements and completing the rigorous application process can seem quite daunting. Luckily, by taking the right to steps to prepare for a career in the FBI and going through each step of the application process, you can increase your chances of becoming an FBI agent.

  1. 1

    Earn a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. In order to be eligible to become an FBI agent, you have to complete a Bachelor's degree from a college or university first. Your degree can be in any subject, although the institution has to be accredited by an institutional association recognized by the U.S. government.[1]

    • While the FBI accepts applicants with degrees in a variety of subjects, as of September 2018, the agency is especially interested in applicants who've earned degrees in either finance, computer science, engineering, or international studies.
    • All potential FBI agents must qualify for 1 of 5 Special Agent Entry Programs: Language, Law, Accounting, Computer Science, or Diversified (for those lacking the specialized skills of the other entry programs). If you'd like to qualify for any of the first 4 programs, you'll need to pursue a degree in a relevant field (e.g., computer science).
  2. 2

    Complete 3 years of professional work experience in your field. All FBI applicants need to have worked in a job in their field for at least 3 years prior to beginning the application process. The more relevant experience you can acquire, the stronger your application will be.[2]

    • For example, if you want to qualify for the Law Entry Program, you should have at least 3 years of experience in a legal profession (e.g., a law clerk).


  3. 3

    Study a foreign language to make yourself a more competitive applicant. Foreign language fluency or competence is not one of the FBI's entry requirements. However, it is an important skill that the agency considers very valuable. To make yourself the most competitive, study a critical foreign language and gain at least a working knowledge of it.[3]

    • The top languages sought by the FBI include Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Hebrew.
    • Spanish is also considered a critical foreign language. However, you'll need to achieve a high level of fluency in the language, or the equivalent of 3 years of formal education.
  4. 4

    Acquire an official United States driver's license. All FBI applicants need to possess an American driver's license. The license also needs to be valid in the U.S. and can't be expired.[4]

    • You can obtain a driver's license by submitting an application to the DMV, passing a written test on rules of the road, and completing a driving test.
  5. 5

    Confirm that your age and citizenship status meet the FBI's entry requirements. Candidates to the FBI have to be between the ages of 23 and 37. They also need to be American citizens or citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands.[5]

    • Veterans who apply to become an FBI agent may be granted a waiver if they're older than 37. All other applicants must be younger than 37.


  1. 1

    Submit an online application form. The application will ask you to provide details about your residential history, education, and work experience. Be as detailed as possible and make sure that all of your information is accurate.[6]

    • Provide all of the addresses of your previous residences, places of employment, and schools you've attended. If you've completed any relevant internships, include information about them as well.
    • If you've worked for multiple different employers, give reasons for why each of your previous jobs ended.
    • The application form can be accessed at the FBIJobs website:
  2. 2

    Pass the basic knowledge exams in Phase 1. If you're selected for further testing based on your online application, you will be contacted by a local FBI agent who will guide you in scheduling and completing Phase 1 Testing. This phase consists of written exams that cover basic information in subjects like mathematics, reading comprehension, and writing, as well as assess your skills in logical reasoning and situational judgment.[7]

    • For example, you may be asked questions to see how well you catch details, evaluate situations, and make judgment calls about responding to situations and dealing with the public.
    • Phase 1 Testing is carried out at an FBI facility. Make sure you arrive at the facility on-time and well-rested on the day of your exams.
    • Note that, based on which Entry Program you intend to go through, you may be required to complete additional testing in a relevant field, such as computer science or law.
  3. 3

    Complete the written exam and oral interview in Phase 2 Testing. If you pass Phase 1, you'll move on to Phase 2, which includes a written exam and an in-person interview with a panel of FBI Special Agents. The written exam tests writing skills, while the interview will assess your communication skills and response clarity.[8]

    • For the written exam, you'll be given 90 minutes to analyze data and information given to you on the spot and to prepare a comprehensive report based on that data. For the interview, the panel will you ask you 13 questions designed to assess your decisiveness, integrity, adaptability, attitude, and cognitive skills.
    • Be open and honest with the agents interviewing you. While you should certainly sell yourself as an applicant, you'll only weaken your application if you lie.
    • Dress well for the interview; you'd be surprised how much this can impact your confidence going into the interview.
  4. 4

    Wait to receive a Conditional Letter of Appointment. After you've finished Phase 2 Testing, your next step is to wait to see if you've been selected to move forward in the hiring process. If you have been, you'll receive a Conditional Letter of Appointment in the mail.[9]

    • If the FBI sends you a Conditional Letter of Appointment, you will most likely receive it within 90 days of completing Phase 2. The letter will contain all of the relevant information about the next steps in the process of being hired as an FBI agent.
    • Note that even if you pass Phase 2 Testing, you may not receive a Conditional Letter of Appointment. This is because the FBI only grants these letters based on the critical skills that the agency needs at any given time.
    • If you did not pass Phase 2, the FBI will notify and alert you that you might be eligible to for a one-time retest.


  1. 1

    Meet the FBI's physical requirements by passing the fitness test. There are a set of physical standards that all FBI applicants who receive a Conditional Letter of Appointment must be able to meet. These are different for male and female applicants.[10]

    • Male applicants must be able to perform 45-47 sit-ups in a minute, 44-49 pushups in a row, complete a 300-meter sprint in 46.1-49.9 seconds, and complete a 1.5-mile run in 10:35-11:09 minutes.
    • Female applicants must be able to perform 44-46 sit-ups in a minute, 27-29 pushups in a row, complete a 300-meter sprint in 56.0-57.4 seconds, and complete a 1.5-mile run in 11:57-12:29 minutes.
  2. 2

    Carry out a polygraph exam as part of your background check. If you receive a Conditional Letter of Appointment, a background check will be performed on you and you'll need to undergo a polygraph examination. Be sure you are completely honest during this exam, as lying on a polygraph exam will result in your dismissal as a potential FBI agent.[11]

    • Your background check will include interviews with previous employers, neighbors, and family members, as well as a credit check and arrest check.
    • Things that come up in a background check that might disqualify you include a criminal record, poor credit history, or any evidence that you lied on part of your application.
  3. 3

    Confirm you're in good health by going through a medical examination. The medical exam is administered to those applicants who successfully complete the fitness test and background check. The exam includes a vision test, hearing test, and blood pressure test.[12]

    • You will not necessarily be disqualified for a minor health issue. The exam is to ensure that you don't have any health issues that may interfere with your ability to do your job as an FBI agent.
  4. 4

    Move on to the FBI training academy. Once you pass your medical exam, you will then be scheduled to undergo training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. This training will take place over 17 weeks.[13]

    • The training programs at the FBI academy focus on firearms skills, investigative techniques, driving skills, survival skills, and leadership training.
    • Once you complete your training, you will be employed by the FBI as a Special Agent.


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  • Question

    If you study criminal investigation and forensic science would I still be able to become an F. B. I agent?

    Samuel C. King

    Samuel C. King

    Community Answer

    Absolutely. Those would be good majors to pursue if your plan is to become an FBI agent.

  • Question

    Can a female get into the FBI academy?

    Community Answer

    Yes, gender doesn't matter! As long as you have or will meet the requirements to becoming an FBI agent, you can apply.

  • Question

    How many years does it take to be an FBI agent?

    Community Answer

    After you file your application it can take anywhere from 6 months to several years.

  • Question

    Can I be an FBI agent if I'm not a US citizen?

    Community Answer

    Joining the FBI agency requires an applicant to be a U.S. citizen and to live in the U.S. or its territories for at least three to five years.

  • Question

    If I am already in law enforcement, will that make it easier to become an agent?

    Community Answer

    If you are in the law enforcement, it should be easier to become an agent, as long as you have met the requirements in the application. Call up and ask for advice on what pathway would be best for you to pursue.

  • Question

    What does diversified duties mean?

    Community Answer

    Diversified is like the opposite of specialized skills, meaning you're able to do a variety of skilled tasks in various areas of interest or expertise. The FBI wants well-rounded applicants, with unspecified degrees or diverse backgrounds that reflect the ability to pick things up and run with them, using initiative and lateral thinking. Think a sport plus a degree or two plus some volunteering experience plus social media skills plus trekking across a mountain pass for one summer, etc. These aren't actual exact requirements but are given as an example of looking well-rounded -- in other words, don't just do a degree, so plenty of other real life things too!

  • Question

    Will they make me take a lie detector test when I apply?

    Community Answer

    If they consider it necessary, they may use a lie detector test. However, it's not commonly cited as a requirement, so it might only be needed for training purposes, such as learning how to cheat one if you're in the field.

  • Question

    So if I want to be an agent, what major would benefit me most?

    Community Answer

    There isn't one particular major but helpful education requirements are; hard sciences like biology, chemistry, or physics, accounting, finance experience, finance degree, CPA, or 2 years of work related experience, engineering, computer science experience, psychology, information systems, international studies, law and/or military intelligence. That should give you plenty of options to choose from.

  • Question

    What is the best college to go to if I want to become an FBI agent?

    Community Answer

    As long as you meet the goal of completing four years of college with the required major and possess a bachelor's degree, the college won't matter (as long as it wasn't a degree mill). However, the competition is fierce, so do really well at your studies, wherever you may do your degree.

  • Question

    If you only have your GED can you become a FBI agent?

    Community Answer

    It is good to earn your diploma, but if you join the FBI agency, you must earn a Bachelor's degree.

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  • It might be helpful for you to be proficient in using firearms before you begin training at Quantico.

  • Try to get an internship with the FBI - it's a great way to get your foot in the door.

  • Consider taking courses in foreign languages while you are in the application process. It sometimes takes well over a year to get an interview. In that time you can increase your chances by expanding your language skills.

  • Once out of college, apply to positions in law enforcement. Work to get in departments working against drug use, white collar crime, etc.

  • Clean up as many negative marks from your credit report as possible. Anyone with financial problems may be a candidate for accepting bribes and your hiring questionable. Since the process takes so long you can eliminate small errors early on and have plenty of time to rebuild.

  • Most agents have a background in criminal justice, law, or accounting.


  • The agency still largely relies on the polygraph and has come under criticism for dismissing possible applicants for inconclusive polygraph results. Almost any questionable reading will land your application in the Do-Not-Hire pile.

  • The application and hiring process can last from 90 days to over 2 years.

  • The FBI hiring process, and especially the background check, will necessarily include a close inspection of your private life. Make sure you're comfortable with the agency grilling you and people close to you on subjects you might not feel comfortable discussing with any other potential employer, such as politics, ideologies, personal relationships, and even sexual preferences.

  • Note that being an FBI agent will require you to be willing to relocate to wherever they tell you to go.


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Article SummaryX

To become an FBI agent, you'll need to be an American citizen between the ages of 23 and 37 when you apply. You should also focus on doing well in school since you'll need to earn a 4-year degree from a college or university before you can apply. To make yourself a more competitive candidate, study a critical foreign language too, such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, or Hebrew. In addition to your academic work, work on your physical fitness too since you'll need to pass a fitness test that includes sit-ups, pushups, and running. For tips on how to apply to the FBI, keep reading!

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How To Get Into The Fbi Academy


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